Restorative Justice
The Norwalk Juvenile Review Board is a Juvenile Court Diversion Program that offers youth who have been arrested for minor offenses, or truant, or deemed beyond control, the opportunity to avoid engagement in the juvenile justice system.
The Juvenile Review Board (JRB) consists of community-based representatives from Police, Court, Department of Children and Families, Department of Youth Services, as well as mental health professionals who use meaningful alternatives to the Criminal Justice System through strategic interventions that are community-based. These alternatives are designed to promote responsibility by the offender, help solve problems that may be at the root cause of the delinquent behavior, and take into consideration the needs of the victim. Youth under the age of 18 who have had no prior arrests and have committed a misdemeanor offense, are truant from school, or who are deemed beyond the control of their parents (such as running away or engaging in delinquent behaviors) may be eligible for this process. If the youth and family successfully engage and complete the diversion program, they will not have to appear in Court and will not have a juvenile record relating to the offense.